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1 August 2023
Steel sheds are an iconic part of the Australian outback – but why? What is it about steel that’s made it the go-to for outdoor structures in Australia for so long?
If you’re looking at adding extra storage to your home, farm or workplace, you’ve got a number of options. These can range from simple tarps to fabric awnings, timber or brick structures, and even plastic sheds. However, one type of shed stands out as a reliable, durable, and cost-effective solution – the steel shed.
There’s a good reason why at Fair Dinkum Builds we go for Australian sheds made of steel – it’s because they surpass other shed materials in terms of strength, longevity, versatility, and overall value for money.
One of the primary advantages of building your dream shed out of steel is its strength. Steel is renowned for its robustness, making it an excellent choice for long-term storage buildings. The strength of steel, combined with the right engineering and solid construction, means you can build sheds up to huge sizes – from large farm sheds and arenas to large industrial warehouses.
Steel sheds offer good security options, and they can minimise the risk of damage caused by falling branches or heavy snow loads, providing peace of mind even in harsh weather conditions.
When it comes to durability, steel sheds outshine their counterparts. Steel is inherently strong and resistant to pests, decay, and rotting, unlike wooden sheds. Unlike plastic sheds, steel structures are not prone to cracking, warping, or degradation due to exposure to sunlight or extreme weather conditions. This durability ensures that your steel shed will last for many years, providing a secure and protected space for your belongings.
Pre-painted steel products also offer excellent corrosion resistance, with a range of options available to suit the environment of your shed.
COLORBOND® steel’s five layers of protection include BlueScope’s industry-leading metallic coating, incorporating Activate® technology2 to enhance its corrosion resistance. If further protection is required, such as in coastal or industrial environments, Fair Dinkum Builds sheds are also available in COLORBOND® Ultra steel, SuperDura® Stainless steel, and Magnaflow® finishes, all of which offer extra corrosion-resistant properties. Your local Fair Dinkum experts can help you work out which finish is right for your environment.
In addition to general durability, steel can play a key role in building a bushfire-resistant design. Steel components used in Fair Dinkum Builds sheds, such as COLORBOND® steel, are favoured over other building materials for their non-combustibility.
Stramit roofing, walling, gutters and downpipes, made from COLORBOND® steel (or other pre-painted and metallic coated sheet steel products) may be used as part of a compliant system in bushfire prone areas, including in BAL-FZ (Bushfire Attack Level – Flame Zone), the most extreme, as defined in AS 3959:2018. In BAL-FZ “there is an extremely high risk of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers and a likelihood of exposure to an extreme level of radiant heat and direct exposure to flames from the fire front.” (AS 3959:2018).
Maintaining a shed shouldn’t be a massive chore, and steel sheds excel at this. Unlike wooden sheds that require regular painting, staining, and sealing to maintain their appearance and protect them from rotting, steel sheds are pretty much maintenance-free. Fair Dinkum Builds sheds are made in a range of weather-resistant finishes that prevent rust and corrosion, allowing you to save time and money on maintenance expenses.
Our most popular finish options are in COLORBOND® steel and require very little maintenance (learn more here). Only a few simple steps are recommended, and you’ll easily enjoy a long life out of your shed.
Steel sheds offer unparalleled versatility, letting you entirely design a shed to suit precisely what you need. Whether you need storage space for tools, equipment, vehicles, or a workshop area, steel sheds can be customised to meet your specific requirements. It’s easy to change the size, shape, height and roof pitch of your design. Plus, roll-formed steel comes in a range of profiles which not only offer different functions but can change the look of your shed. There are sheds in standard sizes as well as custom sheds for all of your needs.
Look at the range of industrial sheds, commercial sheds, farm sheds and the full range of steel buildings ready to suit your needs.
Steel sheds also come in a wide range of colours, including the full COLORBOND® steel standard range and other premium colours and textures, so you can customise every aspect of the design to suit you.
When considering the long-term value, steel sheds prove to be a cost-effective option. While their upfront cost may be slightly higher than other shed or storage materials, the durability and low maintenance requirements offset the initial investment. By opting for a steel shed, you eliminate the need for costly repairs or replacements that can arise with other shed types, ultimately saving you money over time.
Steel is likely to outperform less-durable materials when it comes to protecting your belongings or assets – a benefit which will pay itself off in no time.
Steel delivers energy efficiency from a few different angles: its long life span, its recyclable nature and its thermal performance.
Steel’s durability and resilience means it has a long life, helping conserve energy and resources. It’s also 100% recyclable and can sometimes simply be re-used without any further reprocessing. Pre-painted steel, such as COLORBOND® steel, used on Fair Dinkum Builds sheds is 100% recyclable. COLORBOND® steel even contains recycled content.
Steel roofing and cladding can also help keep your shed cool and using lighter colours can help with this. COLORBOND® steel contains Thermatech®1 solar reflectance technology (in almost all colours) that helps reflect even more of the sun’s heat, helping keep your shed’s temperature down on hot days.
Finally, a steel shed roof is the perfect spot for adding extra solar panels to your roof. Your local Fair Dinkum Builds experts can help make sure your shed is built correctly for this, factoring in the correct roof pitch, location and orientation.
Customisable features and extras include (but are not limited to):
Roof and wall cladding – choose from a range of Stramit steel profiles
22 COLORBOND® steel colours, plus additional finish options for added corrosion protection or a premium, unique look
Custom sizing to ensure the right layout, easy access and a good fit for your property
Options for roller doors to keep your belongings, vehicles and investments safe and easy to get to
6 roof pitch options and a range of roof styles
Optional extras to enhance your new build, including insulation, skylights, rainwater systems and more.
When it comes to selecting the ideal shed, steel emerges as the clear winner. Steel sheds provide a reliable and long-lasting storage solution, ensuring your belongings remain safe and protected for years to come. With their resilience against the elements, minimal upkeep, and customisability, steel sheds are undoubtedly a superior choice over other shed materials.
Chat with your local Fair Dinkum Builds team today about investing in a steel shed and transforming your outdoor space into a functional and secure haven you’ll enjoy for years to come. Your new shed can be whatever you need it to be.
1. Thermatech® technology is not available in Night Sky®, or non-standard colours, and is not available in COLORBOND® Metallic steel, or COLORBOND® Coolmax® steel. Results will depend on roof colour, level and location of insulation, type and location of building shape and function.
2. Activate® technology is not available for COLORBOND® Intramax™ steel, and COLORBOND® steel products with a galvanised steel substrate.
COLORBOND®, Thermatech® and Activate® are registered trademarks of Australian BlueScope Steel Limited. ABN 16 000 011 058.